For premium resellers, you can easily submit and track tickets using our customer portal.
Submitting and tracking the progress of support requests is often tricky and painful - until now. Just follow these easy steps:
Creating an account password
You will have an invitation sent to you by by Locafy it will come from, please check your junk mail if you do not have it yet. It will ask you to create a password to access the portal.
Once you have added your password, you will then have access to the ticketing portal.
2. Submitting a support ticket
There are ways to create and tracking support tickets;
a. Submitting a ticket via a form - CLICK HERE TO ACCESS FORM
b. Submitting a ticket via
In this case, using the form will allow you give far more context but if you feel as though you just want to send an email, that is also fine.
Let's begin by submitting the online support form. In this case Seann is sending a test query about ICA - Mount Pleasant, as she is concerned that the grids are not working correct;y.
In the ticket name above I have added a test ticket for Restoration Marketing Group, this can be any brief descriptor such as - 'Grid query for ICA - Mt Pleasant'. Underneath that please ensure you add the end user business name so that the system can add it to our records. Next, you enter your name and your email address, this will connect it to your contact file on our CRM ensuring that you can filter results by just your name when searching for a ticket.
After that we can categorise the issue into once of the below, again helping us to narrow the issue quickly. Please feel free to suggest additional categories.
Once you have selected the category of the issue, you can then add a description of the actual issue such as, the grids are underperforming, please have a look.
The comments section will allow you to add more context such as, 'they are really struggling with the keyword Water Damage' or something to that effect so that we can zero in on what you believe is the main issue.
Once you are satisfied that you have given an apt description just click on send.
3. Tracking a tickets progress
Now that you have your username and password you can track all tickets by going to
Once you have logged into the tool you will be able to see all tickets submitted.
You can filter these results by choosing either Organization tickets or My tickets
If we click on Organization tickets, we can see the ticket that we just submitted:
This screen will give you ticket numbers, creation date, ticket status as well as well as the last activity on the ticket so that you can see the last time the ticket was touched.
Clicking on the ticket will give you the details you just entered.
By using this system you will be able to keep track of support requests knowing that all records of submission as well as action on the ticket are recorded allowing both Locafy and yourselves to establish an agreed turn around time.