HotFrog Listing Changes

What are HotFrog's listing changes?

As of 25th August 2021, Hotfrog have introduced a new pricing and service structure. This structure now places limits the number of listings that can be managed by a single account.


Why are we adding limits to the number of listings per account?

Hotfrog has always supported small business. Our focus is to ensure that the accuracy and quality of the directory remain while enabling small businesses to easily manage their own presence for free. 

Hotfrog has introduced a limit of 10 free listings per account in order to ensure data is submitted accurately, complete and without duplication. This will result in a better experience for consumers and performance of the directory for all.


What can I do to access the listings that are currently blocked?

When you log into your account, you will see at the top of the screen 'You currently have the right to manage 10 listings. To add more, please unlock more listings by clicking here'

Once you click through you will be presented with three options of an additional 20, 50 or 100 listings. You can select any of these options depending on your requirements. We do have an option for API access to our directory network for customers with more than 50 listings on the Hotfrog directory. Once you select an option you will be directed to the Hotfrog payment gateway and you will then be able to unlock further listings as you require up to a limit of 1,000 listings, after which, you will need to join the Hotfrog API programme.


Hopefully this has answered your query, should you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.